My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: Lord, Help me! This, is not the first time we quarreled but everytime we quarreled, I really hoped it never happened. It hurts my heart. Do you know that?
Every single word you said, lies deeply within my heart. Do you know that I have always been thinking of what you said? Do you know words have sharp ends that hurts? Lord, help me. To understand what she is trying to say and to understand what you are trying to point out to me. I really hope, that this would not be something that would happen often. Help me Lord, to understand what all these confusion is about. Mold me Lord, to be a women after your heart, to do things for not only myself, not only for others, but for your glory. |
title: Christmas Service - Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah) As a youth attending English Youth Group all these while, stepping into a Chinese congregation was an extremely different experience. However, I felt that God had made use of this opportunity wonderfully.
This was my first Chinese congregation service. I had attended the service as one of my friends invited me. I had prepared my heart for a fast song to start the entire service as I didn't have the experience of stepping into a Chinese congregation. The service started off with a slow song, very slow. It was even slower than the usual English slow songs. I guess this was an opportunity to calm my heart down, from all the happenings around me. Though my mum and god-brother sat beside me, as the pre-service songs began, they were calming my heart down slowly. My heart and mind then, wasn't on the surroundings that I was in, wasn't on what those beside me were doing, neither was it on my god-sister, who is about to perform and who had been away for more than 5 days but amazingly, the songs spoke to me in a language that I was very familiar with and gently turned my heart and mind unto Him and Him alone. Although I had various minor conversations along the way, my response was minimal. My heart and mind directed my attention to God this morning through the songs that were played. During the time of worship, I was led to different prayers for myself and the upcoming camp. Prayers that calms my heart down (preparing my heart for the service, the rest of the day and the upcoming camp), prayers of forgiveness (of my sins and not being able to submit my troubles unto Him) , prayers of thanksgiving (that He has indeed brought me through thus far) , prayers of surrender (to surrender my life and allow Him to break in to my life once again), prayers of acceptance (of obstacles and things that come in my way and treat them as challenges to mold me). The sermon this morning, gave me the assurance from Him that God is the way, the truth and the life. He used a language closest to me, most familiar to me, to minister and assure me. Through the songs that were song, through the prayers that I've made, He prepared me. He taught me the value of thanksgiving and assure me with His word that this was the lesson that I was to learn through the 2 months of struggle that I had. That I should look away from the problem and focus my eyes on Him, that I shouldn't complicate the problems that I'm having but surrender all my thoughts, concerns and worries unto Him for He knows and understands them all. He is the perfect one, who is willing to walk with me and carry me and journey it through with me. This, is an experience that I doubt I would ever forget. He showed me His grace and how he could work in my life. =D Labels: Christmas Service at Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah) |
title: 2012 2012, is a movie, that I just finished watching a few minutes ago. All I could say that through this movie, there are different things that I have learnt and would like to apply in my life.
Firstly, life is short. Live your today as though there is no tomorrow, live a life that will bring you no regrets. Give genuine love to the people whom you love, give genuine care for those whom you care, give genuine concern to whom you concern. Do not leave them in pain or allow them to suffer because of what you did or said. Choose your words carefully as words have sharp ends that hurt at times. Secondly, treasure who and what you have. As young people, we may feel that things come and goes easily. No money? Simple, we could just get them from our parents. No friends? Look for the next one! Breakups? Easy, no need to fret, the next relationship comes on very soon. Is that how we are supposed to lead our lives? Well, I guess that is certainly not what my heavenly father wants me to do. I feel that he wants me to treasure each and every moment that I have, with my family and friends. It doesn't really matter if we are close to one another, it is treasuring the time that you have with one another that matters. Love, care and concern comes hard at different people at times. Like me, there are times where I showed genuine care to others and I got "rejected" for it. There are even times where it puts you down and when another person tries to pull you up, you are upset with it and hurt the person one way or another unintentionally. I have to learn to not hurt others when I'm wounded. I have to learn how to treasure the presence of different individuals in our lives. I have learnt that when we see things in different perspectives, we are bound to have disagreements but how we react and what comes after the disagreement that matters. I believe that this is the time for me to learn all these. There are different time for everything and for everyone. This may be the time for you, but not for others. =D Labels: 2012, Chris, Lessons learnt, Ruth |
title: B'day Reflections 1 As I looked back to what I had gone through before and during my birthday, I realise the gift that God had for me this birthday. On the 8th November, my mum revealed to me every single detail that had been happening at home, between her and my dad. With this, it had definitely brought me through a time of emotional downfall (if that is the word to use). Nearly a month later, on the 29th November, with a song that was sung by my brother that ministered to my heart, I gradually walked out of the “darkness” that I was in. I tried, time and time again at that one month period, to not think about the situation at home and focus, but it was hard. Really hard. It was frustrating, confusing, tiring, stressful and whatever other terms that you could use to describe it. But I managed to pull through this period of time. On my birthday when both of my parents get to meet one another, it began with a time of awkwardness. This went on till it was time for me to go for church service. When my parents picked me up after service at CCK, they were talking to one another as though none of the things had happened a month before. The cold war, the silence, the unhappiness, seemed to have all vanished into thin air. The next day after my birthday, they remained this manner. This indicated to me that life was going to be like before. But is it going to be? Through all these, I have learnt that things come in your way, there is a higher purpose for everything that happens. I have became a stronger person when I’m faced with different difficult circumstances and I wouldn’t be responsive to them, instead, I would be able to face them with a clear mind and head. This situation at home, has allowed me to learn the meaning of reflecting on the situation and respond accordingly. At times, things seem so tough that I was on the verge of giving up, but I had friends who would tell me that “you let go ah~ gor gonna kill you”. This had managed to spur me on, trying my best to hang on, trying my best not to let go. Through all these, I was also able to relate better with people who are facing similar situations as me, to be able to comfort my friends who are going through things that seems to be as tough as mine. I have also learnt not to let go of things that are most important to me. There are things that I have to cherish: friendships that are worth treasuring, family and different circumstances that God has put me through. Kenvin ever said that “that situation is happening to you because he knows that you could handle it”. I found it true. If God hasn’t allowed something to happen, it will never happen to you. If God knows that you couldn’t handle it, He wouldn’t put you to it. Since he had put you to it, he will bring you through it. Trust in God; learn to open up to my brothers and sisters in Christ, to allow them to spur you on and walk this journey alongside with you. Labels: B'day Reflections 1 |
title: My Birthday Story... Part I Thank you for your Birthday Wishes: Via SMS~ Aniza: HAPPY 17th B'DAY 2 U! ;) Enjoy ur day k? U only turn 17 once! :D May all ur wishes & dreams come true & may gd lucks follow u! God Bless u! :) ~Aniza:-| Irene: Happy birthday to you Jolene WEB: Hey Grace! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY! Stay strong in God and may He continue to bless u! Thanks for being such a great sister in Christ :)! Enjoy yr day! Loves ;P Peishi RP: HAPPY BIRTHDAY (: Stay happy forever ah (: Jacob RP: Happy birthday to you, grace :) Jason Hung: Happy birthday to you my darling. Sarah (WEB): You disappeared so early today! Happy birthday! Verbally~
Via Facebook~ Labels: The Birthday Story Part I |