My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: Lord, I'm tired Lord, I'm tired of staying silent in school and following the crowd in school. The daily things that I am worried of seems so small in your eyes. I have failed to trust you and feels hard to trust you in all these unknown things that are going to and is happening now. I feel so tired trying to do everything on my own. There are still loads of things to be done but I feel really extremely tired.
Lord, may I draw strength from you daily and be rested in you. I need the rest. My back and shoulder feels so tense and tight from all the worries that I am having. There are things that I am concerned about that I couldn't put into words. Won't you Lord, help me..... I need you... |
title: I need your strength and find rest in you alone |
title: A Calling and Vision This vision and calling is nothing new to me. When I was given the choice for my tertiary education, RP was not even in my mind. During secondary school days, I was so adamant and told myself, I would never ever step into a polytechnic, not even thinking of it. However, my O Level results pointed me to another direction, one in which no one would ever thought of; one in which I had never considered. I was forced to go into a polytechnic for my tertiary education due to my English Results, but where? This question lingered in my head as I carefully placed down my 12 choices for my tertiary education, RP was the third choice. After a week, when our postings were released, RP turned out to be the place in which I was accepted into. I realised that God had called me there and it was by divine appointment that I was there. Through the few months in RP, I had learnt a lot, undeniably. But God’s calling for me became clearer and clearer. Whenever we had a big event in school, like the mass music event, IGNITE, that lasted for 2 nights consecutively, allowed me to see what the school was capable of. There are indeed lots of things that we could do in RP, with the space and facilities. I joined the Campus Crusade when I joined RP, one of the main reasons was to answer the calling of God, to reach out to the people in RP. Whenever there are any outreach events in Covenant, be it initiated by the youth, adult or even the children ministry, the first place that God laid upon my heart would be people and youth that are in RP. Most people do not see why I was there, where, with my results, I could go forth and appeal to another polytechnic, but I did not. I remained in RP, to answer a calling. In today’s sermon, where the adults were called to host Christmas party at their block, inviting families and friends to come and join in this occasion, and to share the good news of Christ with them. The first thing that struck me was RP and the vision I had for RP earlier this year after the IGNITE concert. What happened was that during the day of IGNITE concert, when I looked out into the crowd, I looked at the audience, the size of it and how enthusiastic they were, my heart went out for them. My mind whirled me to another world where RP has started to legalise religious activities and where I was able to host a concert as big as IGNITE, only that this was a Christian concert. The same crowd turned up and at the end of the concert, many prayed and received Christ into their lives. I have ever doubted about the practicality of this event and how much it would be able to impact others. On campus, most of us, as Christians, already have trouble ministering to another sister/brother in Christ whenever they are faced with difficulty. It is even hard for me to pray for a sister who had been worried and troubled physically in school. I couldn’t even bring myself to say a prayer with her in a comfortable corner that we are in, what more to confess my faith in front of hundreds of people that would be coming for the event? What more is it to pray for hundreds of people who would need to be ministered to after this event? However, this Christmas, I’m thinking of doing something like IGNITE, despite all the uncertainties and disbelief that I may have within. This party would be one that no one would ever forget; a party that would reach out to the hearts of many; a party that would provide Christians in RP to declare their faith and share it with the rest of the RP community. I believe that this was the calling for many of us who are in RP. Join me in the journey of praying for this Christmas Party event that would be meant for the RP community. Join me, in my vision for this campus. Contact me, if you are willing to come forth with me in this vision and be part of this committee that organises this Christmas event for the RP community and for us. |
title: Problem II, Week II of school |
title: Break In to Our Relationships In the past week, it has been extremely happening, with me being able to meet up with different groups of people and even being able to help out different friends in their school work. The sense of satisfaction is there. But when we were called to look at Numbers 33:50-56 during our TNG prayer this morning, I realise that there are more to it in a relationship than what we know. Building relationships with our friends, being there for them is one thing, but another thing is to build constant relationship with God. There are many a times in my life, that I confess, that I am not perfect and that I would have neglected God and not spent enough time with him. Today, I saw a whole group of young people, in TNG, asking God to break into our relationships with him and also other people in our lives.
At the end of the prayer session, we had 2 announcements. One of which is about the End of Year TNG camp, the other on Missions to Thailand and East Timor. The trip to Thailand is on the 13th December to around 20th December whereas the East Timor trip will take place on the 26th December till the 2nd January. I felt that I should go for the East Timor Trip as for the Thailand missions trip, I would still be in school then and my examinations wouldn't have ended then. What I am currently feeling led to is to join missions but how and why, I do not know. I only know that God has called me there. As for how I'm going to convince my parents to let me off from 21st - 24th for the TNG camp and thereafter 26th Dec - 2nd Jan for the missions trip, I do not yet know. I am still praying about this and in my mind, I do know one thing, that the response of my parents might be "over your dead body" kind. Although there are many uncertainties, I do know that God work wonders in our lives. I do hope that my fellow brother and sisters would join me in prayer on this. Labels: Break-in, God, missions, Thoughts |