My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: MISSION from God If you were to ask me, I have never thought of outreach as much as I have now. Missions becomes such an important thing to me now that I hold so dearly to.
Last week, when my mum was away in Bali, I was doing my self reflection and relaxation at home. There are different programmes that I have watched on the television and have seen different people around the world through the television. In the past, whenever I see people who are poor or are not as fortunate as I am, I tend to let it pass by me without feeling a single thing. However, nowadays, I see these people as ones that I would need to reach out to. These are the people that I have the compassion and empathy for. It has turned out this way. In today's sermon, we were called to respond to God's call in Missions. Missions is not an option. It is mandatory for us. I believe that this is the season in which he is calling me to missions. But where, I do not know. All I know is that I am going to answer the call that he has for me in faith and trust him to direct me to where he wants me to go. |
title: Thanksgiving I think for today, there are a whole lot of things that happened that I would like to thank God for.
1st - Science Challenge 2009 2nd - UT 2 Result for Cognitive. Well, I attended the first round for Science Challenge a week ago and have been notified that I was to come down to the south agora today for the finals of the Science Challenge 2009. I felt elated then. Just before the Science Challenge, I told myself "chill Grace". I felt scared and all I did was to ask a few of my Campus Crusade, WEB and some of my close secondary school friends for the support which I would be eternally grateful to see 3 of them coming down, all of which are people that I just met a few months ago when I entered RP. When the Science Challenge 2009 result was announced, although almost all of them left the area, I felt so happy!!! I managed to get into the top 3 positions and even gotten 2nd for the entire Science Challenge!!! I managed to get $200 credited into may bank account!!! At the later portion of the evening, I went to check my UT 2 grade for Cognitive, one module that I perpetually hated most and disliked. I was so glad that I managed to get an A Grade for it!!! Thank you Lord, for making my day so eventful and memorable!!! Labels: friends., School, thanksgiving, Thoughts |
title: Obedience I think I had learnt a very big lesson yesterday in class.
As usual, I had reached class and have been very enthusiastic about the day's lesson. I was having a very bad flu and all I managed to do was to contribute a few points that seemingly become redundant as I do not make sense at all. At the end of the 1st study period, I told my classmate "I'm going to the washroom". I brought my rubbish out and threw it away. Then, I headed for the staircase area near my class. At the area near the glass panel, I knelt down when I heard a voice asking me to do so. Words just came to my mind without me thinking about it. My mind that was so blank started being filled with words that I just utter it to the Lord, asking him to empower and heal me. After my prayer, I left back to class. Surprisingly, I no longer had blocked nose and the tiredness that engulfed me after the flu just left me. I felt a true sense of relieve that I never had before. Things were just as miraculous as all I did was pray what I was asked to. I didn't even know what I was supposed to pray but I just listen to what I was told and prayed. It was a great relief for me as I had to go for rehearsals for NDOC that evening. God worked in my life, when I needed him most. I believe it is not for me alone but for all. |
title: Expressions... |