My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: New Life, New Hope! Have been quite packed with stuffs recently... But did manage to find time and put aside time for WEB and Church Serving...
Well, in this Saturday's sermon, we talked about a hopeful life, and hence, i'm learning to live a life with hope.... Last Sunday, it was our ministry fair, and I helped out until I was WET... Coz i was wearing a children rain coat on a hot sunny day... Why? It was one of our props... In front, "Grow Me" and at the Back, "Rain or Shine"... And at the bottom of each side, "Where Eternity Begins".... Well, let me talk a little about why "Grow Me"... This was actually meant to be a ministry fair, which means, pulling and selling about your ministry and asking people to serve in it.... Well, as leaders of the WEB ministry, they are actually called to grow and nurture youths... Hence, the "Grow Me" in front... Why "Rain or Shine"? As you are to nurture and grow us no matter what the weather is.... Haha.... Well, we had 10 sign ups? Thereabouts? Had a fruiful lesson last weekend, hoping for more to come |
title: MyPersonality.info Badge |
title: MyPersonality.info Badge |
title: MyPersonality.info Badge |
title: Tired Have been a very tiring day for me. I woke up at 10.30 am. Kind of climbed out of bed though. Dumped the clothes to the washing machine and started day- dreaming again, on the sofa.
U noe wad? I dreamt of being in a school dat has flooded where everyone i knew just vanished into thin air.... I tried to look for help but to no avail.... Anyway, I finally woke up from it... So don't ask me wad happened thereafter... Hehe I left the house at 12pm to shop for groceries and then went to the British Council at 4pm... Had a 1hr plus train and bus ride before I reached.... Haiz... Lesson ended and reached home only now... Zzz.... I'm ssssooooo tired... |
title: Hi Peeps! Hi all peeps who have been reading my blog...
Well it is still a long long holiday for me since I am going to Republic Polytechnic for Pharmaceutical Science course. From what I heard, lessons will commence only in April... The holiday hasn't been dull for me. I have signed up to be in the WEB Camp Committee. The camp will be held at the end of this year but registration starts on 14th of Feb, Valentine's Day! Then, I also signed up to be in the Outreach and Prayer Pillar of the WEB ministry. Have had 1 meeting since. I am also serving in SunBeam, Junior Disciples as a helper cum teacher's assistant. My Job, mainly is to help facilitate the discussion groups. Apart from that, I am also taking English Courses for O Levels and General Paper in the British Council at 2 different branches. So that I could improve on my english. P.S. I'm retaking O Level English this year. So, my life hasn't been dull for the past few months after Os, isn't it? Do tell me about your holidays PEEPS! Oh, to all 4A (2008), Woodlands Secondary Students, I wish you all the best in your future studies, whether in JC or poly.... No matter where you are posted to, do your best. Keep in touch... TOODLES!!! |