My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: Kidz Camp Planning 24th November 2008
Had only woke up at 1pm today although I was scheduled to do my Discipleship Journal (DJ) at 11am. Was quite exhausted in fact… Had a great time during the weekends…. I actually agreed to join the adults in running the SunBeam Church, a ministry that teaches and nurtures young kids in knowing Christ…. I actually volunteered to join them as a helper in the SunBeam Church in the Woodlands Centre and also to help them in the upcoming Kidz Camp in 4th December. The theme for this camp was The Rock, reminding us as teachers of these children, the Lord is our Rock and refuge, the one in which we trust. In today’s DJ, it thought me how to be a humble servant of God and to be a quiet Christian… At times, when thing don’t go our way, we tend to rely on God but when we had the chance to get closer to Him and have a lot of free time, leisure time and even time to get enrichment programmes for ourselves, we forget about God, throwing Him aside totally. I thought of changing this trend. To me, from the past DJs that I had, I understood how much God means to my life. I began working according to the principle of “No DJ, No dinner” and even sometimes to learn to turn to Him in times of trouble. I hope to grow further in Him and allow Him to guide me in whatever I do in the times to come. |
title: fAMILY tRIP CUM TK U Teachers!!! It was a sunny day today and had a chance 2 have an outing 2gether as a family. We had daddy as the secretary a.k.a cashier, mummy as the tour guide a.k.a itinery planner and me as the photographer… Haha…
We set off our house in Bukit Gombak at 8am, reaching the Delifrance outlet in Woodlands Causeway Point at 9am. After having a sumptuous breakfast of French toast for me and baguette for both my parents, we went to cold storage to get ourselves beverages before proceeding to our next destination. It was already 10.30am then. We were full from our breakfast meal and were just having a mini exercise in the basement cold storage. Then, the next stop for us was the Singapore Zoological Garden. You may wonder, as a Typical Singaporean, haven’t you visited the zoo umpteen times? Why revisit it after your Secondary Graduation? My reasons are simply simple. I had a few chance 2 visit the zoo even during my secondary school years. For one, I would like 2 bring myself back down to the memory lane 2 those days. Secondly, I would like 2 c how much the zoo has changed since I last visited. I must admit that I had a much leisure time this time around. Thereafter, after spending 5 hours in the zoological garden, we went to the Sizzler Restaurant in Toa Payoh of which we had our lunner (Lunch and Dinner). We had a great time. During that time, I also managed to lay my hands on a copy of 8 Days which I had not read for months…. I think I just moved myself from drool to cool… After which, we went 2 the hair dresser in Chinatown where I got my hair cut! Oh ya… Almost forgotten, we went to IMM Jurong as our last stop before arriving home…. Had a really great time relaxing myself today BUT…. I did not feel right! Maybe I was just very used to the hectic lifestyle that I had since O Levels began…. I started asking myself ‘Could I turn back the clock?’ Anyway, whether or not I could turn back the clock is another issue. All I could say is that all our hardwork was really put to test during Os…. Those were the days… Now, all I want to say is a BIG BIG thank you to all my secondary school teachers. Thank you for walking through this secondary school years with me. It was definitely one of the most memorable ones that I had. I would also like to thank the teachers that had taken the opportunity to discipline me during my junior years, in Seconday 1 and 2. Although I had tried to improve in my upper secondary years, I bet I would still be a nuisance to some of my teachers. Anyway, I would like to specially thank my Secondary 3 form teacher Mdm Kaur for trusting me this much, allowing me to grow in leadership areas, as a class chairperson; My Lower Secondary Design and Technology, Upper Secondary Mathematics and Additional Mathematics teacher, Mr Alex Choh: Thank you for your patience that you had given me and thought me to have, the values that you have imparted to me for the past 4 years and the advices that you have given me at times where I needed them most; My Form teacher, Mr Sha: Thank You for your guidance for the past one year, though I am not your class chairperson and is only a NE Envoy, you have entrusted me with far more responsibilities that a NE Envoy should have; My Secondary 2 to 4 Chemistry teacher, Mr Tan EH: Thank you for waking us up, though I might not need it but you have taught us well; My Secondary 2 to 4 Physics Teacher, Mr Tan PY: Thank you for providing us with lots and lots of assessment materials that we could refer to and had even wrote one for us; To my Secondary 1, 3 and 4 Biology Teacher, Mdm May Phua: you have seen us from Secondary one, the moment we stepped into the school till we left, you have given us opportunities to learn from time to time and had even brought us to the tropical crops in the zoological garden to teach us about the way plants grow and in some sense reproduce, you have certainly brought life to the dull biology classrooms and labs; |
title: Prom Nite cum Graduation Nite 2008 Whoops.... I just graduated on 13th November from Woodlands Secondary School.
I miss all of them soooo much... Not to say about those unwanted memories of mine, I missed all the wonderful things, teachers and friends that I have in Woodlands Secondary. It seemed just like yesterday when I entered Woodlands Secondary as a Secondary One kid and know nuts and today, on 13th November, I'm graduating from this school. The programme started by the opening speech from Mrs Yap, our principal, followed by us walking down the memory lane, watching a video prepared by our teachers on the school life that we had from 2005 all the way to 2008. Thereafter, we had prize presentation for all Colors Award and Excellent Conduct Award winners. The programme followed by our words of gratitude for our form teacher and subject teachers. We had lots of fun after the first portion of the programme. The second part of the programme was all about food, music and dance. I, instead of having food and dance, I chose to take pictures with my fellow friends and subject teachers. Though I did not manage to get a picture with ALL of them, I did have quite a few. For me, I had not thought of graduation nor did I wish to graduate from school. Days after graduation, I still thought that I had to return to school for some programmes or so. How I wish I had not graduated. If time were to turn back, I could only say that I would have done what I did. Of course, this meant that I had no regrets. I just hope that my results would be decent enough for me to enter a good Jc or even just to enter Jc.. Haha |
title: My last day in School This was my last day in Woodlands Secondary. Of course, all great things have to come to an end. Though I have to admit that there are some painful memories, but there are more beautiful memories and I chose to remember these.
It seemed just like yesterday that I just entered Woodlands Secondary School, as a newbie in the school. However, today I’m GRADUATING from this school!!! Do you believe it? Apart from being the day where my last paper is, this was also my graduation day cum prom night. This day was the last day where I could sing the school song LOUD and PROUD. The whole group of us sang even louder than when the whole school was there. We even sang a song that was very meaningful to me – Auld Lang Syne, our last song during our sec 2 nyaa camp. We were singing the song cuddling each of our closest friends. I was singing with Nalani and Shalini. Thereafter, we had performances, song dedication and dinner buffet. I took this opportunity to continue to take pictures with my friends and teachers, as what I did before the prom cum graduation night started. One regret that I had was that I did not mange to take a photo with him… The one that I had loved and waited for the past 3 years… I was still waiting for him to invite me to the dance floor that was prepared for us… I did not manage to tell him nor did I manage to bring myself to tell anyone till the time that he left, at 8pm. I only told Shad about it after he left far Far away… Shad just gave me a showdown, saying why was I so dumb and uncourageous… I merely told her that this was me and my way of approach towards romance and perhaps my love? I do not wish to be the one approaching him but the other way round… I just wish that day would come… Of course I knew, this might only be a dream…. I do not know what to say 2 him…. |
title: Today.... 5116/01
Todae was my 2nd last paper.... Science.... Hmm..... what can i sae.... De paper was relatively easy.... More of basics.... I just realised a careless mistake.... Hehe.... But my minimum marks for this is 35 out of 40..... A secured A1.... Haha.... Not unless..... (I Hope Not) That's that..... My cerebrum is asking me 2 study for my last paper.... Before I become a Free Gerl.... Anyway, M actually looking forward 2 dis thurs, nt only is my last paper, bt I also have a Pizza Hut treat and My Prom Nite..... Haha.... Enjoy after exams..... |
title: Finally Humanities's Over! 2192/05
Haix, Finally, the paper i feared most is over..... I was so exhausted after the paper yesterday so i cld only update u peeps now.... Hmm, the paper was rather easy as the topic or rather "essay" that came out was my stongest one amongst all.... However, the confidence that was suppose to be in me wasn't there after the paper.... Perhaps this came from my failure time and time again.... I decided there is no point making myself so happy when the result in the end is almost predicted, a just pass..... My aim 4 this O Level was straight As..... I am starting to doubt as to whether or not am i going 2 achieve it in the end..... However, all I cld say is that I did my best.... I even poured out everything I could.... |
title: Yippie... Its Over.... 2192/01
For you guys who have been reading this blog, u will noe tat 2dae's our Social Studies Elective Paper.... And, it is my WEAKEST paper.... Okay.... I have to admit that tis paper was much easier for me than expected.... I did not expect to be able to complete the paper even, to be honest..... But i did cocked up some of my points... Which, I hope would not cause me too much marks..... XD Well, this is only my first humanities paper, I still have the next one to do..... Hence, I still have another unfought battle in hand..... I hope the other one would also b as easy as this..... its only my wish..... KK... enough wishful thinking on my end.... I have to continue my revision now.... Toodles... Will keep u guys updated.... |