My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: My First Pure Science Paper 5094/02
Okay, here goes the report for my first pure science paper…. I just realized how many things that I missed out during my revisions 2day… just hours b4 the start of my paper…. Scary isn’t it? When I entered the exam hall, I told myself, whatever it is, I had done my best….. wadeva the result may be, I wld accept it as it is…. As I flipped to the first page of the paper, I was wondering wad wld I do if I really do not noe how 2 answer a question…. Luckily, I managed to answer most of the questions…. There isn’t anything that I really nid 2 worry abt…. Well, I must admit that I cannot help to feel bad and really weird after the paper… it feels as if there is a sense of insecurity within me….. However, no matter wad it is, I’ve decided 2 put it behind me and go on…. Life really has 2 go on in times like this isn’t it? Well, I guess I should be preparing for my next paper which is social studies my combine humanities now…… |
title: New report on 2dae's ppr 4016/02
Today was Mathematics Paper 2. I had been wondering whether this paper was going to be harder than paper 1 as from my experience in additional mathematics, the paper 2 was harder than the paper 1 this year. As I have said in the previous posts, this year we are taking a new syllabus for all our subjects. Hence there is a need for all our teachers, not excluding our Mathematics teacher Mr Choh, to give us a lot of other school papers as practice. Although this paper was filled with question that require basic concepts, there are a lot of such questions and there is a need for us to be fast in our writing speed to be able to score in this paper. I must admit that this year’s Mathematics Paper 2 was a speed test paper, not much of concept test. There was a giveaway of 35 marks, thereabout…. Do you believe it? For Eg: A bag contains six identical balls numbered 1, 2, and 3,4,5,6. Two balls are drawn at random, one after the other, from the bag without replacement. Draw the probability diagram to show the outcome of the draw. The above stated question is only 1 mark. This means that we have to finish the entire probability diagram in 1.5 minutes. Quite a test on speed isn’t it? Hmm…. Expect to only loose 2 marks in this paper…. So a 98 out of 100 should be possible? I guess….. Just a little tip for those of you doing O Levels after this year….. 1. In Mathematics Paper 2, Additional Mathematics Paper 1 and Paper 2, you will be required to provide your answers in a separate set of answer paper….. Hence, my advice to you would be to use a piece of foolscap per question. After you finish each question, start on a fresh piece of paper….. 2. Also, if any of these papers happened to have a graph question, do it first as it is the easiest to obtain the marks….. 3. Also remember, for each mark in the question paper, you are only entitled to 1.5minutes….. Which also means that you should spent your time wisely on those questions that does not require too much of your brain juice….. 4. Also, ample practice is required, so, start early…. Don’t wait till the last minute and then start panicking…. Constant practice is required…. 5. Oh ya, before I forget, do check each of your steps before proceeding to the next one as this will save you a lot of time that you would need for checking, especially for those of you taking additional mathematics. A wrong step in calculation might be very costly…. Grace-ful gal’s cerebrum is asking her to start studying hard for the Biology paper 2 tomorrow…. Toodles…. |
title: In the midst of preparing 4 Os, rmb God! Hi all out dere hu r sitting 4 ur Os tis yr.....
In the midst of all ur preparation, juz want 2 share a verse w u... Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” Do rmb 2 pray b4 any of ur papers.... Ask God 2 b w u.... Do ur best n let God do the rest Kambate! All the best 4 the rest of ur papers guys!!! |
title: Today's Paper 5116/02
Today was Physics Paper…. I was very scared of how the paper was going to be initially…. I had not been able to study much for the past four days of ‘holidays’…. Was online most of the time and updated this blog…. Well coming back, I thought the Physics Paper was quite easy and was able to finish the paper in forty five minutes……. To speak the truth, I was able to do the paper so quickly was all because of the school papers that were given to me by my teacher Mr Tan PY…. He gave us lots of school papers, allowed us to have ample practice b4 the exam and also asked us to memorize all the definitions, formulas and the methods to answer structured question…. All these had allowed me to do the O Levels Paper this year without any hindrance…. As for my expected results, it wld be similar to that of my Chemistry Paper…. 60 out of 65? I hope….. |
title: O Levels Thus Far.... Time flies…. O Levels Started its war against us on the 20th October 2008 and all of us were fighting our own battles…. Let me provide u with the list of subject codes that I am taking…
· English Language 1127 · Mathematics (Revised) 4016 · Additional Mathematics (Revised) 4038 · Biology (SPA) (Revised) 5094 · Science (Phy/Chem) 5116 : 5116/01 MCQ ; 5116/02 Physics; 5116/03 Chemistry; 5116/05 Practical · Combined Humanities 2192: 2192/01 Social Studies Elective; 2192/05 Literature In Chinese Elective The following is the overview of the various papers that I took: 5116/05 The practical this year was relatively much harder than the previous yrs…. Even those in the tys(Ten Year Series) wasn’t as hard as these… In the Physics section, we were asked to make deductions and to suggest a method to improve the experiment… This has never happened in the past tys qns!!! In the chemistry section, we were asked to make 4 conclusions on the experiment that we did!!! WHAT? Am I having the correct paper??? This has never been in any of our practices…. NVM, I decided… it was only 4 marks… Hmmm… My minimum for this paper should be 20? Out of 30? I Hope… 5116/03 This Chemistry paper seems to be mocking me…. The qns are soo easy… So as long as u studied, you should be able to ans. It …. The qns are very different from the tys qns as this is a new syllabus but not as difficult as I had expected it and the teachers made it to be… I hope that for this paper my minimum wld be 60 out of 65…. Which means a secured pass of A1 …? At least…. 1127/01 This paper as u all know, is split into 2 sections, Section A and Section B In the first section, I chose the qn Greed. My Greed is about wanting a lot of dolls which ends up in a family divorce. Here goes my story line. Orientation: Me – a 4 yr old kid; mother – full time housewife; father – the sole breadwinner of the family; stayed in a condominium Problem: My greed of wanting a lot of dolls Sequence of events: - Dad brought us to the shopping mall - I saw a nice doll - Demanded parents to buy - Mum agreed, dad disagreed - Started an argument and quarreled with mum in public - The quarrel lasted for a week Climax: Parents divorced due to my greed Resolution:At this age of mine did I realized that my greed 10 years ago had brought me a broken family. If only I had not been so greedy……… If only Section B We were supposed to write a report to our principal stating how we were going to organize an outing for our own class to celebrate the end of school year. A lest of previous year complaints were given to us and we were suppose to organize this year’s activity, avoiding the previous year complaints…. These complaints includes not good value for money, started too early and lasted too long, too tiring, meals not provided, have been to the place before and parents being worried about lack of supervision. With all these requirements, I wrote a report, suggesting to the principal that I wld like to bring my classmates to the Singapore River, with teacher and core member’s supervision, where meals and transport are provided. The budget was fulfilled when each student pay $12 for both their meal and transport, short time frame with late starting time. 1127/02 This EL Paper 2 Comprehension has its theme on Cats. Questions were rather literal, except for a few but it isn’t an easy paper, I must say. I managed to get around 18 points for summary, tried doing paraphrasing till I managed to squeeze all the points into 150 words. Hope to get an A2 for my English? But can I? 4038/01 The Additional Mathematics Paper 1 this year was expected to be a killer paper as all the teachers didn’t know what kind of thinking questions would come out as this year was a brand new syllabus. So, my teacher, Mr Choh, took a strategy of pumping us with lots and lots of school papers to familiarize us with the different types of questions that may come out for the examination. I must say that this preparation, if we had done the papers faithfully, was far adequate to help us to pass this paper without any hindrance. If we had not been given all the past papers, the questions that come out for this year’s O Levels would not be a breeze for those of us who did the papers faithfully… Like me…. I must admit that this paper was much easier than expected, but I dare not make any conclusive remarks about the paper 2 that is yet to come…. I hope to obtain at least a 70 upon 80 for this paper? 4016/01 As for the Mathematics Paper this year, the teachers are not able to predict what other tactics Cambridge would come out with in terms of the way they would set the paper. Though some of the things like Locus is not in our syllabus, we are still required to know basic construction skills. Hence, Mr Choh gave us a lot of school papers to allow us to have a clear picture of what kind of questions could come out for this year’s examination. All I could say is that if we have completed at least 50% of the papers, we would be able to pass the paper with flying colors as I felt that this paper was testing us on our basic in Mathematics. Questions like express 3hrs and 41 minutes in hours…. Please lah! Give me a break! I hope to achieve a 72 out of 80 for this paper…. Possible? I think so…. 4038/02 As compared to paper 1, The Additional Mathematics Paper 2 was relatively tougher. Although I must admit that with the vigorous training given by Mr Choh, the paper 2 was still do-able for me. I managed to finish the 2 and a half hour paper in 1 and a half hour, leaving myself with one hour to check my ‘careless mistakes’…. Would there still be any more? I highly doubt so…. So, I feel that I would be able to achieve a 89 out of 100 for this paper…. Should be a reasonable gauge….. |