My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: Hallo 2008 The year started with the wondering of who our form teacher is…
I could clearly remember the faces of my very own classmates when they knew that our form teacher was Mr Sha. Chatter started. When it was time to return to our classes, there was only 18 of us left, made up of 3 girls and 15 boys, out of the 31 of us… The student councilors in our class were all on duty and were in charge of the Secondary 1 orientation for 4 days…. Coming to the week 3 to 5 of term 1, we were already drowned with a lot of assignments…. What to do? We ARE Sec 4 this year… Taking O Levels…. Sooo Scary… Morning remedial on Saturdays started on the week directly after Chinese New Year. Mock tests were the ones, during those days, nearly 3 a week, on average. On 22nd of February, we had our Annual School Cross- Country. Our B Girls won the Team Championship and we won 3rd position in the Class Championships. |