My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: March Overview Till the rest of the term, was the routine… Tests, remedials and lessons….
During the March holidays, We had remedials for the first 3 days. Just to let u have a peep of our schedule… Monday : 0800-1000 Biology/POA/Art 1030-1230 Mathematics 1330-1530 Physics Tuesday: 0800-1000 Mathematics 1030-1230 Social Studies 1500-1800 1500m Finals for Sports Day, Sports Day Cheer Practice Wednesday: 0800-1000 Biology During this time, there was also Astronomy Competition and Robotics Competition for some of us. |
title: Destiny Breakthrough Camp 2007 Day 1: 3rd December 2007
On this day which is the first day of camp, I woke up at 10am in the morning and I was excited about this wonderful and special camp. This was the camp that I had honestly looked forward to as I had wanted to meet God face to face spiritually in this camp. I started my journey at exactly 12.45pm sharp and I started heading for the campsite which is one street away. No matter how slowly and dilly dally I was, I was near the campsite at 1pm and the registration time was 1.30pm! I decided to head over to the nearby fairprice express to grab a packet of nestle low-fat milk and I stood there drinking till 1.15pm. Then I started heading for the campsite. I arrived the campsite at 1.25pm and thought I was early but to my surprise, there were already a good 120 of them there and were either playing with the swing or gathering with their WEB Gangs (WGs) at the side of the chalets. In the shelter shed sat a group of camp leaders and assistants praying for each and every one of the campers by name. About 15minutes later, we registered and went to meet our group leader and assistants. I was in group 1 and I was introduced to Jonathan Lim (Assistant Group Leader) ,Gabriel Tan, Elizabeth Tan, Ariel, Jerlene, Joyce, Samuel Dalby, Joshua Chew (Jerome’s Brother) and Leon.I was also told that my group leader, Benjamin will only be joining us tomorrow. We played wacko and my poor sleeping bag got thrown all around and was extremely fun to get to know them. After that, we went back to our chalet to keep our stuffs. We reported to the basketball court and there we were sitting in our groups with Jerome (The Game’s master) briefing us on what games we are playing. We went for a treasure hunt at the Bukit Batok area and our group leader went to collect a score sheet and Jerome made place our left hand to our heart and the other raising it saying ‘score card is my life, it is like my wife, without it I cannot survive’. We started off the game playing Sudoku and went on with TnT where the whole group was asked to lower a stick unisonly. Then we went on to play games like body parts, dance like Charmaine, finding out the details of block 312, Mag Rapid Transit, Block 341 playing nose ball. Though we got very lost on the way but it was a fun experience working as a team for the people we met for only once. Thereafter returning to the camp area we had our dinner and went for shower. At night, we played a game of jumping squares where Jerome thought us how to play it and after playing for quite some time, I got hooked to this game. We had a competition between groups and every group was to go in front of everyone to play and compete among ourselves to pick up the top 3 and compete among the other groups and I was one of the top 3! Although I wasn’t the winner for this Jump game in the end, but our group won second prize in the overall game and won a packet of peanuts. The first group won bananas and one of the group member, Amos, was asked to dance the ‘peel bananas’ dance in front of us. We were clapping and shouting till it was time to get to bed at 1am. Day 2: 4th December 2007 We woke up at 5.45am to do our DJ and after breakfast we went for the obstacle course where we were suppose to balance on a line and all of us on the team were suppose to be on the line with no one to lean on and whenever one falls down, the whole team will have to restart again, we were to walk on 5 line without falling down. At the end of it, all of us were sweating like cats and dogs and Leon even commented that it was even better than the gym work out. Then we went on trying to swing ourselves from one platform to the other placing one of our feet into the loop on the rope. Although time to time I failed and fallen on the ground, my team supported and cheered me on, giving me the courage to go on when I was on the line of giving up. We then had our tea break and went on with the high obstacle course where there is a climber, belayer, anchor, ladder man, supporter, and backup belayer. We were briefed and went on with the course. I could see that some of the campers were actually afraid of heights but they tried to conquer it and managed to finish it in the end. We then went on trying abseiling or rock climbing. I had chosen rock climbing as I had tried abseiling before and did not want to repeat it. Although I did not manage to reach the top because of my weak legs but it is a joy just standing there and looking at the others doing and completing it. After the debrief, we gobbled down lunch and my eyes grew heavy and before I knew it, all of us were sleeping right in the middle of the basketball court. We spent the rest of the afternoon on area cleaning. Cleaning became soooooo fun!!! Finally a nice shower, dinner and we headed for church. As I was on the way to church, I decided that I wanted to follow the ways of God and start a fresh new life but there and then I started having headache. Jerome once again played some icebreaker games with us and then we started worshipping the lord. God’s presence was strong in this sanctuary that we were in and we prayed for Matt’s long lost brother, Glenn Lim, who was also the speaker. After the sermon there was an alter call to allow God to transform our lives and relit the passion and hunger for him. We asked him to break into our lives that our lives will never ever be the same ever again. Some kneeled, some cried and the spirit of God ministered to all of us. And this was only the beginning of TRANSFORMATION………. Day 3: 5th December 2007 On this day I woke up early to do my DJ as usual and we walked to church! We prayed for different things on our way there and we mingled around before the service starts. Around 15 minutes later, service started with worship and I just fell on my knees when I saw how great he was. We learnt that Jesus died on the cross out of love and for his enemies. My eyes filled with tears and cried when I saw a 5minutes video on ‘Passion of Christ’ in which Jesus was nailed on the cross. I cried out of guilt that God has to bear for our sins in which he has not done and that I had hurt him time and time again disobeying and rebellious to my parents. I knelt before him and cried before him, seeking him for forgiveness for my sins. Jerome and his brother Joshua reconciled and Peter and him shared about what God is doing in their lives with us. We had a group discussion after lunch in which all of us danced the Hi 5 dance and a dance in which Matt has created. We followed on with the discussion of our physical challenge, camp highlights, spiritual challenge, spiritual life and etc. The night service was about our resolution and commitment with God. At the end of the session, we were asked to build our alter before God and surrender everything we are to him. I answered the alter call and I was sad in my heart of which God is not seen by lots of people in this world. |