My heart is at peace at what is going on now. We may be having a long distance relationship, but what matters is the trust I have in you. <3
title: My Relationship Now
title: Lions Befrienders Befriending Walk After 6 months of preparation and planning by most of the committee members, the event that occurred on 25th September 2010 morning was very successful.
I joined this committee on the 11th June 2010, when Elfonson came over and asked me about some stage related stuffs. He told me that Kelvin was the in charge and that I should go and look for him, tell him about the various things in which we could do in the future, while running the show. Along the way, with various meetings in the Lions Befrienders main office as well as meetings in school that clashes with my other meetings, there were minor conflict that I observed within the department. The night before the execution day, the entire committee within Republic Polytechnic came together once again, going through the entire event running over and things in which we may be potentially having issues with. The meeting lasted till around 10pm. At 10.30pm, the entire committee sat at various location within the Agora Halls and worked on their part, where we ate supper together. At around 11pm, I bid goodbye to the entire committee, sat on my dad's car and left for home. In my mind, every other second, I'm worried about the committee's position, how are they coping, are they sleeping already, etc. At 5am, I woke up, with the help of my dad, I proceeded to sch and arrived before 6am. The entire committee, were at various locations. Some giving wake up calls, some doing registration, some others prepared for the event. The entire area seems very happening. At around 7am, I led the entire team of people under the backstage crew to the backstage of the TRCC theatre. As I waited for the arrival of various teams, things were very messy. Over the wakie talkie given to every committee member, I could hear all the chaos going on. Various people requesting for different things and asking various questions over the walkie talkie. At 8am, as all the groups have arrived, I waited for my spike tape to be sent over. At around 0815, I then managed to start my final rehearsal and marked various position on stage. 0900 came, I had to run through various things with Wushu, LB singing team and Magic IG. I requested for the LB singing team to move out from stage at 0905. Within half an hour, we had to complete Magic and Wushu's marking and running through. 0940, after all the performing groups are ready, the chairs at the audience seat marked, we opened the house doors. Promptly at 1015, at the request of Catherine, we closed the house doors, house lights were dimmed, and we started the running of the entire show. Various surprises were given to me along the way. During Magic's item, the mid curtains were moved up and transited to full stage. I didn't even notice it and was looking at Magic's item intently. During the second lucky draw, there was a request of the emcees to speak in Hokkien and Malay. I heard, on stage, from 2 languages, it slowly transited to 4 languages, I was very surprised that they were capable of that. The lightings for the show, was amazingly pretty. The entire show ran on really quickly and successfully. At the end of the show, during the finale item, the performers knew how to line up and entered the stage, I was like, wow! All the performers even knew how to stay on stage till the curtains are down, waving to the audience as the curtains are coming down. The show, to me, was extremely successful. Tears came to my eyes as the entire program came to a close. We went back to Agora Hall 1 for debrief and lunch. I sat with the backstage crew, ate and had a great time chatting with them. When we reached home, I quickly sent out Thank You emails to all the performing groups and advisors of TRCC. As I read the email from Minyi today, tears came down my eyes. Knowing that our hard work had not been in vain, had came to close. Indeed, it was a great experience for me. |
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title: Orientation Programme & SLA Fiesta 2010 Orientation Programme this year took place from the 12th April 2010 till 14th April 2010. Thereafter, lesson starts on the 15th April 2010. On the 21st April 2010 till 22nd April 2010, we had our SLA Fiesta.
During this period of time, I was the OGL for 3 consecutive days before the school starts and also in the organising committee for SLA Fiesta for my IG. At the end, both the events turned up well and I had a lot of fun. Though I had been exhausted, the fun and excitement plus experience was worth it. =D |
title: Certain of Calling, But How? I'm certain that He is calling me to let Him take control, But how do I do it?
Many a times, I ask myself, there are many things in which I have done, many things that I'm made known to, I just don't understand. Lord, bring me closer to you as the days go by. Help me cope with my struggles and allow to not affect my studies. Help me, to remember to put you first in all that I do. No matter what happens, allow me to have the faith that you would be with me no matter what happens. |
title: At Lot 1 One day... When I saw people queue-ing up to just get the signature of a korean group of guys, I asked myself this question: would we as Christian be willing to queue up just to go for missions? Will there be this great amount and number of people who are willing to go for missions and to be trained to be missionaries for Christ, to go to areas who had different people who needs Christ?
title: My heart As I was watching one of the Chinese show debuts {A letter to heaven}, my heart went out to the people whose lives are filmed.
In this Chinese program, it shows how fragile one's life is and how much someone on earth cherishes the one who departed from them. Tears flow down my cheeks uncontrollably when I realized how easy it was for our lives to be gone and how essential it is for us, as Christians to save these souls who are lost and wandering. This had brought me back to one of the nights in our camp, where we watched a commercial where the truth was made known to us that in every second, there are 3 person just losing their precious lives. Our lives, as we see it, could be so fragile. What are we as Christians in this developed world doing in our comfort zone where there are many others who are lost in the wilderness? I'm caught between the two. Going for missions and Discipling one. There had been different times which I felt led to missions, which I had loads of challenges that I had to face where in terms of my discipling, I would have to give up on. I do not know which one to choose, but I trust that He will lead the way. To allow his will to take the course. =) |